Maple Ridge Personal Trainer

Let A Maple Ridge Personal Trainer Help You Achieve Your Goals

Achieving fitness isn’t always easy. Some people try to do it on their own and find that after a few weeks, they allow other pressures to pull them away from the training regimen. Some people have no idea where to begin or have physical problems that require special concern and planning. In all these cases, the benefits of using a Maple Ridge personal trainer are enormous. You might be an old pro at exercise and have no difficulty with resolve or understanding technique, but still like the input of another well-trained individual or need specific help to train for an upcoming sporting event. Personal trainers offer benefits in this case too.

A Personal Trainer Keeps You Accountable

A personal trainer is more than an exercise buddy, you have an appointment to meet. However, one of the simplest benefits of using a personal trainer is the fact that you are accountable to meet him or her. That accountability doesn’t stop at just meeting with the personal trainer, it also affects the level of exertion you invest in your program. If you’re alone, you’ll be far more prone to slack off a bit or even skip some of the exercises you don’t like. In addition to providing accountability, personal trainers offer other services that benefit almost everyone who exercises.

A Personal Trainer Understands the Importance of Diet

A personal trainer can help you to understand your dietary needs or even supply a specific diet plan if you want to lose weight or gain weight. Knowing the proper nutritional intake and increased requirements created by exercise is an important part of a regimen toward better health.

Personal Trainers Help You with Your Goals

A Maple Ridge personal trainer services may be the best investment in your health you make. While he or she can’t guarantee you’ll continue to exercise, the personal trainer can improve the potential of that occurring. Their entire goal is to make sure you achieve your goals. Personal trainers are dedicated to your success and can help you no matter what goal you want to achieve or what your level of fitness is.
A personal trainer not only assesses your present physical condition, they create a program designed around that assessment. You’ll find the program challenges you, but doesn’t overwhelm you in its difficulty, which is precisely what you want.
As your strength and stamina improves, the personal trainer adjusts the program to match your changing needs.
A personal trainer provides motivation. No matter what level of fitness, sometimes you need a little extra motivation to help you get through tough spots. For those new to exercise, it may come at a time when changes occur internally but you can’t see them yet. For those training for a special event, the personal trainer may remind you of your goal and give you a boost when you need it the most.
A personal trainer helps you to use the proper form for an exercise. Sometimes something as simple as your breathing affects the outcome of your exercise benefits. Using your muscles wrong during and exercise also can have negative consequences from injury. A trainer knows the proper method and can identify problems before they become habits.

Testimonial Picture of Leah M (1)
Testimonial Picture of Leah M (2)
“I have lost 20 pounds and feel great”

Eagle Ridge Fitness will help you get it done! If you want to lose weight and achieve total-body health, these are the people you need working for you! The atmosphere is positive and the trainers are inspiring and personable. I have lost 20 pounds and feel great, thanks to the support and guidance I have received from the ERF team.

Leah M
Testimonial Picture of Jan M. (2)
“I lost 26 pounds!”

Somehow I found myself 40 lbs overweight and nearing my 50th birthday. In the past I had tried various gyms but with disastrous results. The “trainers” had little or no experience working with clients such as myself with chronic back issues. In the past couple of years I ended up with a very bad case of Plantar Fasciitis on my left foot and tendonitis in my right shoulder. I wanted desperately to lose weight and be pain free, but was very leery of working with someone inexperienced. For that reason I sought out a trainer with a Kinesiology degree. That way I could be confident they understood the issues I had.

I met Sam and he worked with me over the next 5-6 months on various programs always altering as we went along to accommodate my injuries. I lost 26lbs, toned my body and although I am not completely pain free, I have been able to eliminate my pain medication.

Through my recommendation, my friend also started to work with Sam and her results have been great as well!

I have been extremely pleased with the results I got training with Sam and thoroughly enjoyed our time working together.

Jan M.

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