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Let a Port Coquitlam Personal Training Instructor Help You Enhance Gluteal Muscles

Gluteal muscles primarily consist of four groups of muscles where three of them make the buttocks and the fourth one is located at the lateral and anterior of the rest. There are exercises you can learn through a Port Coquitlam personal training instructor, and which can help you tone your buttock s. Having a well toned derriere is one most sought after thing, and you have to do it correct.

If you’re guilty of enviously glancing at other people’s fit bodies, it is now your turn to have others look and admire your shape. One exercise that can help enhance your gluteal muscles is pulling the buttock muscles and holding them for about 30 seconds. When you talk, stop for a drink, or if you stand at a place, you can make an effort to constrict and pull your buttock’s muscle.

You can do this anytime and make sure you do it as many times as possible. You need to hold the muscles and then relax them. It is a simple exercise that can help in toning those gluteal muscles. Whether you are cooking dinner standing by the countertop or you are standing taking a shower, you can try constricting and pulling those muscles.

It is an anytime anywhere exercise that can help you strengthen the muscles in your buttock. Another way to exercise is by lying sideways and doing hip abduction. In this exercise, you lie down right on the floor flat and on your side and then rest your head on your arm. You then lift the leg above floor surface and repeat this position 10 times while doing three sets each step.

You then change the side and repeat the same with the other leg. Exercising for toning gluteal muscles are many and you can add another set of having single limb squats. Everyone loves sitting on a chair, but did you know that you can make use of that activity to help enhance the muscles of your buttocks?

You can put the habit of sitting on a chair to good use. You can do this by standing on your feet apart and then lifting your hands in front and slowly push yourself down the way you would do when you want to sit on a chair. You need to keep the back straight while also not allowing the knees to bend and go past the feet. With a single limb squat, you do the same but this time, you focus on one leg at a time.

You stand with the leg apart at shoulder width and with the back straight. You then keep both of the hands on waist and then take the right hand to touch the left foot tip and then try to lift the right foot from the ground. Ensure that you push the right foot from the comfort zone while making sure that you do not lose the balance since you could trip and fall. Now, you can hold this position as long as you are comfortable but try to push yourself to the limit. Then repeat with the left hand and the right foot.


Our highly effective personal training sessions add an extra level of customization and accountability to reach your goals. This program is ideal with those who have a specific goal and are perfect for clients who have existing injuries.

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