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4 Quickest Ways to Reduce Your Health Insurance Premium

It is an old saying — “Health is Wealth.” The main step to maintain this wealth is to get a health insurance policy for you in addition to your family. But, sometimes the premiums of such policies can leave you in and out from the budget situation. Can you really do something to bring down your premium? Read on to learn about the 5 quickest ways to lower your health insurance premium.

  1. Adopt a healthy lifestyle

Living a healthy life has many benefits. Your healthy lifestyle can easily help you in bringing down the health insurance premium. Exercise regularly, eat healthy diet, avoid smoking and heavy drinking — and your visits to the doctor will surely be minimized. The healthier you are, the lesser you are represented as a risk for the insurance company. Take help from a Coquitlam Personal Trainer in selecting an effective fitness strategy tailor-made for you.

  1. Shop to find the best available price

One of the best options to keep your premium lowest is to go out and shop around for the health care policy. This will ensure that you find the best available policy that fits in your budget. Do a thorough research before investing in any policy. You can get information from your friends and relatives or even Internet.

  1. Take up plans with higher deductibles

Insurance plans with higher deductibles are apt to have lower premiums. Typically, deductible is the amount you are expected to pay toward hospital, doctor, and other medical bills. Taking up a plan with a higher deductible may possibly not be a universally applicable idea. If you’re generally healthy and do not fall ill very frequently, then you can certainly take up this plan. This way you can keep your premium at a lower rate and avail basic health care facilities as well. But, when you have a history of some major consistent illness, avoid taking this plan.

  1. Take up a policy early in your lifetime

The premium varies to a great extent with age the person. Try and get a policy as early in your lifetime as you can. For example, if you buy a policy at age 25, then you’ll have to pay lesser premium but, if you go for the same policy at age 50 you’ll end up paying a raised premium amount.