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I will provide you with four sure-fire techniques for improving your “wrestling strength” and therefore your wrestling performances. These tips connect with both in-season and offseason training.

1. Train the “Posterior Chain”
The posterior chain muscles are made up of the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. This extremely powerful section of the body is really a key section to overall wrestling performances. By improving strength of this type you’ll notice a marked improvement in speed and power in the neutral and bottom positions. Some exercises that you may want to consider to be able to work the posterior chain are good-mornings, stiff-leg deadlifts, deadlifts, barbell squats (bar low on shoulders). My two favorites are the reverse hyperextension and the Russian glute-ham-gastroc machine. They’re the greatest in working the posterior chain muscles.

2. Strength Train SLOW, Wrestle FAST
You intend to be fast and strong on the wrestling mat. Don’t think that you should throw weights around once you strength train though. When wrestlers try to go a barbell quickly in their workouts, they are using momentum to greatly help move the weight. You ought to minimize momentum, and maximize the quantity of muscle that gets worked by slowing down. How fast (or slow) in case you move a weight when weight training? When you are raising a weight (or contracting the muscle) try to complete it in 2 seconds. When you lower the weight, take action two times as slowly. You ought to take about 4 seconds to reduce a weight.

3. Brief Workouts
Your workouts should never exceed 35 minutes in duration. If they do, YOU’RE NOT WORKING HARD ENOUGH! By completing your workout in no more than 35 minutes or so, the body’s hormone levels are optimal. Your capability to recuperate from the workouts, and therefore develop more strength, is increased. Avoid long, drawn-out weight training workouts. They’ll eventually cut into the body’s capability to recuperate, and lead to overtraining. Preferably consult with a Eagle Ridge Fitness Personal Trainer before you set out on any workout plan.

4. Fail In The Gym To Dominate On The Mat
Apart from your warm-up set for every single weight training exercise, you ought to train your sets to “momentary muscular failure.” Here is the point where you could no more complete another repetition with perfect form. By training to momentary muscular failure, you are forcing the muscles to adapt, and therefore get stronger. Let me clarify training to “failure.” Training to failure is not “almost taxing the muscle.” It is the stage where you cannot push or pull another repetition no matter what. Is it safe to coach this way? Absolutely! The first few repetitions of a set are actually more dangerous. When a player is not using good form, and slower speed, it’s usually over these first few repetitions that the athlete gets hurt.


Our highly effective personal training sessions add an extra level of customization and accountability to reach your goals. This program is ideal with those who have a specific goal and are perfect for clients who have existing injuries.

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