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What Are The Common Mistakes Made When Doing Plank Exercises

When performing planks, you need to ensure proper form otherwise, overdoing it could result to injury. If you feel some pain on neck or back when executing the exercise, it might indicate that there is weakness in lower or upper regions of spine. In case you have a weak core, the spine is likely to snap and this could cause compression in vertebrae, induce pressure on the disk, and trigger shoulder joint inflammation. These are things you would want to avoid by ensuring that you indulge in a Coquitlam group personal training to get a personalized coaching in workouts. Here are common mistakes you need to avoid when you do planks;

  • Allowing the hips, shoulders, or head to drop when you are in plank position
  • Holding your breath
  • Placing the hands very close together, something that causes internal rotation and lack of stability at the shoulder joint
  • Holding the position for very long. While you may want to challenge the body by holding the position for an extended time, it is important that you maintain proper form but for a shorter period instead of holding an improper position for a longer time. It does not produce good results and could end up with an injury.

You should be careful whenever you do planking especially if you have an injury or back pain. If you are a beginner, you may want to try holding the position for a few seconds only and work your way up as you build strength until that time you will be able to do planks for longer.  This will save you from injury and ensure you are doing the exercises properly.

Remember that if you do not workout correctly, you might not get the desired results. With help of a group fitness training instructor, you are able to get guidance on how to execute the planks in proper form. Since the session is done in group, you can derive a lot of inspiration as you watch others put their effort to work hard. It is a good way to work out if you do not want to train in gym or home as a lone wolf.

Combing Complexes, Antagonist Supersets, and Circuit Training

If there is one training which can offer great metabolic activity while also allowing for more energy cost demand is combining complexes with antagonist supersets and circuits. While there are many ways the exercises can be combined, doing them in this order- complexes, circuits, and antagonistic supersets, may offer great results. You may want to get desirable results through Coquitlam group personal trainingBelow is a brief examination of the three exercises;

  • Complexes: With complexes, you mix a number of exercises together in order to ensure that one rep is made up of multiple movements to allow more energy to be used without causing fatigue in one muscle. Good examples of complexes are overhead press and front squat done in one exercise. You can do the front squat and use the same weight to perform the overhead press.
  • Circuit training: Though similar to complexes, in circuits, you do all reps in one exercise by moving from one exercise to another to complete the reps. Because it can be challenging, most fitness classes reduce the weights meaning the intensity is less than you would get from steady state training. Ensure you use weights that challenge the body and make about 12 to 25 reps.
  • Antagonistic supersets: In these exercises, you choose two opposing workouts such as pull-ups and barbell overhead press. When doing the exercise, you do not attempt all the sets for one before you move to the other. Instead, you alternate by doing one set, then taking a rest and switching on to other. You alternate the moves until you complete all the sets. Since the rests are brief, you may find that it takes you less time to complete the two exercises.

These exercises offer many benefits, which include increased muscle mass, increased resting metabolism, which allows calories to burn even after you complete the workout, and better P ratio. There is also a raised metabolism following a workout when you combine these exercises. They can offer a reasonable acute calorie torching. Your group personal trainer can assist you to get the desired results in doing these exercises.

Attain Fat loss with High Intensity Interval Training

Doing high intensity interval training entails performing sessions of high intensity workouts while at the same time alternating with some low intense activities. For instance, you may have a sprint exercise as the high intensity work and alternate with a walk as the rest. When doing the workout, the duration of work and rest periods may vary, and this somewhat affects the results of the training. Consult with a trainer who offers Coquitlam group personal training and see how you can make the best out of your intensity high training. You may want to do about 30 to 60 seconds of the maximal intensity work then followed by a recovery or rest workout for about 60 to 90 seconds. Here are a few things you need to know about high intensity interval training;

  • You may not get as much calories burns in a session of high intensity interval workout as you would with a steady pace training. This is because the sessions of rest workouts or low activity will bring the number of calories torched down and more to that, the high intensities make the session to be shorter which also reduces the amount of calories you are able to burn in one sessions
  • Nonetheless, there is still a possibility that you could burn more calories even after the workout. There is increased metabolism rate, which lasts after the exercise, and when you combine the calories you lose during the workout and after the working out, then you may find that there is a greater number of them burnt out.

The anaerobic properties of high intensity interval training are not likely to offer effective results in muscle mass maintenance. They may not offer a more anabolic environment that helps in enhancing glucose sensitivity and P ratio. This implies that there may be more maintainable fat loss and one could stop possible regain of their weight in the long term.

Nonetheless, this high intensity interval training may not be appropriate for low fitness individuals or people who are very overweight. Ensure you workout your interval training in a group setting so that you can push yourself to limit and remain motivated throughout the workouts.

What Are The Benefit of Doing Planks

At times, the simplest of movements you do may result to the most gains in your fitness. This is the case with planks. Planks are done by holding the trunk portion off ground and ensuring that it is in straight line. Planks makes one of the most effective exercise for conditioning your core. It also works on hamstrings, glutes, and supports proper posture while also improving balance. You can do your plank exercise in a Coquitlam group personal training so that you work hard and get motivation from the peers.

If you have never done planks, they may seem easy and of little benefit but that is not the case. It may be straightforward to get into proper form but the challenge comes in holding the position because it requires strength and endurance from the back, abs, and the core. Below are the benefits of plank exercises;

  • Tones the belly: Planks will help in building the deeper inner core muscles, which are the foundation for that six pack you may be seeking. You will have stronger abdominal muscles while also tightening the midsection. But remember that for you to have that six pack, you will also need to shed fat, which is about 6 percent body fat loss for men and about 9 percent for women.
  • Increases flexibility: Planking will increase your flexibility and build strength within the posterior muscles. In addition, the muscles around the shoulder, shoulder blades, and collarbone will stretch and expand. The hamstrings and arches of feet and toes are also worked out. You can stretch your sides by doing side planks.
  • Reduces back pain: Because planks strengthen the core, they work to reduce back pain. Plank exercises require less movement but they contract all layers of abdominal fascia, and this is an ideal way of strengthening the core, which helps reduce back pains.

In addition to these benefits, planks will improve your mood, balance and posture. Planks help in relaxing muscles, which are often stiffed and tensed due to prolonged sitting, and this lifts up your spirit. When you do your planks correctly, you are engaging your abs by ensuring that they stay upright and side planks will build your balance.

How to Do Interval Training the Right Way on a Treadmill

If you are going to get desired results from interval training, you need to discover how to do the moves correctly. You may want to consider doing your moves on a treadmill because it provides by far a safe mode and gives you the best results. But this does not mean that interval training can only be done on treadmills. If you are able to get personalized interval cardio sessions through a Coquitlam group personal training, you can realize impressive results. When performed on treadmills, the interval cardio sessions can benefit you in a number of ways;

  • You are able to get more body awareness as well as a variety of strides. Many people suffer from injuries when running because of repetitive techniques and lack of awareness. When you do a variety of strides, you can minimize injury.
  • There is less shock in your joints since the treadmills provide greater shock absorbance. The ground you run on does not move like the treadmills.
  • Since you stretch your hamstrings or back of legs, you can get looser muscles and more range of motion. The treadmill will also stretch your glutes, quads, inner thighs, as well as groin.
  • There is more controlled environment when you work on treadmill. You can vary the intensity with speed while also inclining adjustments.

When doing the workouts, remember that the right outfit or clothing is important. You should have shock absorbing shoes. In addition, tight and form fitting clothing are necessary since they are supportive. While ladies may wear a sports bras, for the guys, they may want to wear a supportive underwear and a pair of tight spandex short.

Working in a group will ensure that you put more effort and remain motivated. Group personal trainers understand the needs of each client, and although the sessions are done in a group, each person may be doing a different set of exercises depending on their fitness goal. A personal trainer will be focused on how each individual is fairing and make changes to the moves to ensure everything is going on properly.

Cardiovascular Exercise for Fat Loss

Aerobics is a form of exercise, which involves working out at a continuous submaximal pace within a given timeframe. Doing cardiovascular exercise at a steady pace can provide you with an effective fat loss exercise. If you can exercise for about 20 to 60 minutes at an intensity that is around 60 to 80 percent of the maximal heart rate, you could see yourself begin to shed the fat in body. In a single exercise of this nature, it makes it easy for an overweight individual or low level fitness person to be able to burn a considerable amount of calories within one training sessions. Consult with a Coquitlam group personal training to get more insights on how to derive the best out of cardiovascular workouts for fat loss. But here are a few things to know about this kind of workout;

  • Unless the exercise is vigorous in terms of intensity, then you may not be able to raise the metabolism rate in body, which is integral in burning fat.
  • Exercisers need to know that changes in body composition by having muscle mass increases are actually negligible. Moreover, excessive aerobic exercise could also have negative effects on your muscle mass in the long term. Talk to your group personal trainer to understand more on how you can make the best out of your workout.
  • On the positive side, when you have low intensity cardiovascular workout, it helps improve your glucose sensitivity, which means it has a positive impact on your P ratio. To understand more about P ratio, when one over eats food, it is stored in body as muscles and fat. Now, the ratio in which people gain weight is referred to as P or partitioning ratio. The move people store energy in form of muscles instead of fat, the leaner they are able to get. And, an increase in muscle mass will increase metabolism meaning that reducing weight becomes much easier.

With a low intensity cardiovascular workout, it means that the calories you take in body are more likely to be stored in form of glycogen and not fat. It also means that you can perform these exercises more regularly. You may want to maximize the cardiovascular exercises with movements such as rowing, running, and swimming.

How to Make Your Cardios Fun with Coquitlam Group Personal Training

It’s early in the morning and the alarm clock goes on and you just feel like taking some more minutes in bed. You feel around fingers and hit the snooze button of the clock. After a few minutes, it goes on and you have to wake up. These are feelings you are likely to experience when you know that you are heading for those cardios for your early morning fitness training. But it does not have to be this way. If you have more fun in doing your cardios, you will mostly put more effort. There are ways you can make your cardio exercises a fun moment whether you are training in a gym or at home;

  • Use some music: You may want to have a portable mp3 player or even a satellite radio to listen to music as you do your workout. This will keep you more concentrated and distracted from the effects the body is gaining. You will train with fun and also push yourself to limit.
  • Diversify the exercise: One thing that is responsible for most discouragement or lack of motivation is because of doing the same routine every time you are working out. Try to change the moves and don’t do the same exact thing every time. This will quickly make you begin to realize some fun. You can learn different moves to do in your cardios from a group personal trainer.
  • Keep track of progress: If you discover that you are not making progress, you will most likely turn away. But one thing you need to know is that if you cannot monitor the kind of achievement you are making, then you wont know how far you have gone. Take some picture, use a workout monitoring app, or some worksheets so that you can write down how many pounds you are losing every week. This way, you will remain motivated seeing that you are getting results in your cardios.

Along with these tips, also consider group training. If you are going to train alone at home, you might not be able to put more effort. Even with a personal trainer, if you are just the two of you, you might not get the same motivation like you would get from a group. Go for the group training and you will soon discover the fun in your cardios and other workouts.


How to do Overhead Squats the Right Way

For those who have tried the overhead squat, they will tell you it is a challenging lift exercise. However, if you are able to master the cues and avoid common mistakes, you can get the best results. Exercisers can avoid mistakes in workouts by seeking help of a trainer who offers Coquitlam group personal training. Overhead squats will work on your core and enhance stability.

Many people who train alone tend to apply shortcuts and cheats in their exercises especially when they find it very difficult. They will try to shy away from those movements, which tend to exploit their weak links and stick to staples that wouldn’t give them hurdles to cross such as the biceps curl. The overhead squat is actually a killer when it comes to strengthening your weaknesses and challenging the entire body to unlock new growth.

Overhead squats are certainly high demanding movements among the weight training. But they can have a very good effect on mobility, back strength, squat strength, and stability. While it is a hard to master these movements, you can still do them right. Among the things you would want to emphasis on are the grip, squat, and bar travel.

It is important to know that different grips will make muscles to work out differently. If you have a narrow hand grip, it will allow for more of shoulder mobility as well as flexibility. These are two crucial but powerful elements in overhead squats. A grip, which creates a 90 degree or right angle at elbow when you have the arm bent with the bar just about an inch above the head, would give you a good workout. Ensure you use a closed grip around the bar and make sure it is tight.

When doing vertical pushing or some pulling exercise whether it is high pulls, squat, deadlift, snatch, or standing press, make sure that the bar travels in a straight line. The idea here is to ensure you keep the torso vertical in order to create least shoulder compromise. You need to maintain the right bar path.

Last but not least, the squat should be done properly. Because of the position of the load, you may want to put more focus on knee break instead of hip break. Start your descent at knees and not the hips. Throughout the movement, ensure you control the descent while also maintaining tightness in upper back as well as posterior chain.


A Few Exercises to Get You Leaner Abs and Stronger Core

If you are seeking to get deep core muscles and stomach shredding, you may want to consider exercises that will work on your midsection. Everyone wants to have a lean and well ripped midsection but people go through this the wrong way. You may want to consult with a Coquitlam group personal training in order to discover how you can rip that midsection and get a lean abs. Here are a few exercise that give you learner abs and ripped core muscles;

  • Planks: There are many plank variations that could be incorporated in your workout to help target the deep abdominal muscles. As you change positions, you may find that the core stabilizers will fire in order to maintain that solid plank. You may opt for side planks or side planks with rotations to get greater results. Let your group personal trainer assist you learn the different positions.
  • Overhead squats: The overhead squats will force muscles of core to work hard to maintain the right posture when you are on a load. Since the abdomen and thorax areas experience a full extension in dynamic motion, it causes the core to activate, something that minimizes injury while also allowing legs to transfer force.
  • Swiss ball back extension: When you are targeting the abs and core muscles, you should not forget the lower back. In order to have a thoroughly toned midsection, you will need to work on the posterior on your body. With a back extension and a twist, it provides you will greater results. You can add a twist at the top of your Swiss ball back extension exercise. With this exercise, you target the love handles, or that undesirable softness found around the kidneys.

Doing the running or hundreds of crunches may not get it done. For you to get that sculpted rock solid stomach, you will need to work muscles instead of the rectus abdominis. The deep core muscles including the transverse abdominis will need to be worked on. If you load the workout with entire body exercises, you are able to torch calories and force the core to work even more harder.