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Workouts for Muscle Toning in Women

Women want toned and sleek look, which does not appear muscular. To get that long lean muscles, you need to do strength training using a low amount of weight. You may use free weights or strength training machines to tone the groups of muscles in chest, arms, abdomen, shoulders, back, and legs. The exercises should be performed in more sets with more repetitions to get that toned physique. Consider a Coquitlam group personal training so that you have other people to train with and see how others are making efforts to achieve their fitness goals.

Targeting the upper body

If you want to target the upper body, dumbbells are ideal tools to use. The dumbbells target the muscles you want to train and help build stability. You may want to begin with dumbbell bench presses as well as inclined and declined dumbbells chest presses to target the lower, central, and upper pectoral muscles. Other exercises you can do are dumbbells biceps curls, triceps extensions, and military presses to help in strengthening shoulders and arms.

Targeting lower body

If you want to strengthen the hips, hamstrings, glutes, calves, and quadriceps, you may want to use barbell and dumbbells. Placing a barbell across the shoulders or holding dumbbells in both hands at shoulder height then doing basic lunges and squats can work the lower body muscles.

Targeting the abdominals

You can train abdominals with body resistance exercises meaning you only need the weight of your body to tone the muscles. You can perform the traditional crunches in order to help in strengthening the central abdomen. To modify the exercise, just twist from left to right while the chest approaches the knees. Twist crunches will target the obliques and tone the side of the abdomen.

Targeting the entire body

You do not want to do spot training where you only target a particular body part and that is all. You should focus on having a rounded exercise that will work on the entire body. Strength training will help in getting a toned lean muscle but aerobics helps cut down the fat in body so that the newly sculpted muscles can be revealed or seen. You can do about 30 minutes of aerobics in a day so that you blast that fat from the body

Exercising for Weight loss.. What are the Facts?

Obese or overweight affects a large populations substantially increasing the risk of suffering from diseases like diabetes, coronary artery disease, and hypertension. Individuals with excess fat in their abdominals are at risk. The addition of exercise to healthy diets can help in reducing weight. By diet, it means one should take food with restricted calories, which promotes the loss of fat and maintains fat free muscle mass. Exercising may present some hurdles especially if you are the type that likes to train on their own. With a Coquitlam group personal training, it provides an environment where exercisers can work out in a group setting.

Each exerciser has his or her own routines and the personal trainer takes care of the needs of each person. Physical activity without a diet restricted in calories may not be fruitful in reducing weight. Exercise alone cannot suffice in fat loss unless it is complemented with diet.

What kind of exercises to do

You may want to do anything, which can make the heart and lungs to work harder including biking, walking, swimming, jogging, and fitness class. You can do strength training and cardios.  The idea is to ensure you are burning more calories and the exercise can continue to torch the fat even after you have completed a workout.

How much to exercise

While any exercise is better than doing nothing, you need to make sure you are working out the body to increase metabolic activity. You may start with a little exercise for a few minutes and help the body to get used to the activity. To get full benefit, you want to work about 30 to 60 minutes in most days of the week.

You could do short spurts here and there if it is convenient for you as they will still add up to torching of the calorie. As you build strength and endurance, you begin to engage in intense exercises and for longer periods. Jogging for 30 minutes may produce the same benefits as walking for 60 minutes. If you can ramp up the workout intensity, you may find yourself doing the exercises in a short time yet get the same effects.


Calorie-Torching Cycling Workout

Cycling is one foolproof way of getting your legs worked and inducing great sweat. It is an exercise you can use to strengthen the legs, back, arms. Cycling also makes your heart to work efficiently while also aiding in weight loss. You can also push yourself at high intensity. Because cycling provides a means of transport, it makes it easy to fit the exercise in your daily routine. From a Coquitlam group personal training, you can learn more about the benefits of cycling and how you can do it properly for optimal results. It will get you fit while saving you money in transport. Here are a few things to know about cycling;

  • Cycling incinerates calories by burning more than 800 calories in an hour. It will sculpt the butt and legs with zero impact. The exercise is also friendly to joints unlike other exercises that may exert a lot of pressure in joint causing injuries.
  • You will enjoy the exercise since it is boredom proof. Cycling will get you out of gym or the steamy spinning room and expose you to the sun and beautiful scenery while enjoying the speed.
  • This exercise is also adaptable in that you could ride solo, with the family, or buddies.
  • Cycling is known to be notorious in making killer legs. It will tone the quads, calves, and glutes since they are involved in propelling the bike. When you work the handle bar, it sculpts the upper body too. This will give you a balanced body tone.

Bring your significant other or a friend and begin your cycling exercise. It will get your body worked and transform the legs, butt, and the heart strength. You may include other exercises in your workout to target different muscle groups.

Talk to your personal trainer to see which exercises will fit in your routine. With group training, it will ensure you get a personalized coaching while you see how other people are pushing themselves to the limit. This will encourage you to also work hard to achieve better results in your workouts.


Boost Weight Loss with Running Exercise

Running is among the most vigorous exercises you can do and it is an efficient way of burning calories and losing weight. Running offers many benefits ranging from relieve of stress to improving the health of heart and reducing depression. It also builds strong and toned legs thus making them look thinner. Discover how you can make the best out of running with a Coquitlam group personal training. A person weighting about 150 pounds would burn roughly 100 calories in every mile they run. So, if you are running to lose weight, there are a number of things you would want to emphasize on;

  • Healthy eating: If you are going to lose weight no matter what kind of exercise you do, you will have to check your diet. You can only shed pounds if you are able to burn more calories that your body needs. It would require you to burn about 3500 calories from exercise or life functions in order to lose one pound. If you combine a healthy diet with running, you will get good results. Take little of high calorie or high fat foods and increase your intake of fruits, whole grains, and vegetables.
  • Make the workout challenging: For you to enhance your weight loss, you need to do speed work or interval training where you run very fast but for short intervals. This will also increase muscle mass as well as resting metabolism.
  • Run regularly: Losing weight will not come easily and it needs to be a long term thing. You will not run once a week or do consistent running for a few weeks and stop then expect to get desirable results. You should make it a regular activity alongside other forms of workouts. Also, stick to the schedule you have drafted and keep it simple so that you remain motivated. You may want to run about 3 to 4 times in a week.

A personal trainer can help you learn how to run properly so that you avoid injuring yourself. You need to run properly otherwise, you might cause friction on joints or sprains on muscles.



Discover The Fun In Zumba Workout

Zumba is one fitness class that has gained a lot of popularity among the gym facilities and other fitness training areas. The young, middle aged, and the old can benefit from the classes. The workouts are designed to ensure that they provide the best results for the group they are designed for. There is no complex choreography in these workouts. But doing them in a Coquitlam group personal training may provide better results. The exercise is safe for people of different ages and fitness level since the steps may be modified to ensure they remain low impact.

With your pair of dancing shoes and cross trainers, you are ready to go Zumba style. One appealing part of this exercise is its simplicity. The instructors tend to forego the complex cues and allow the students to be carried away by the music, something that makes them exercise for longer. There are many benefits offered by Zumba exercise and they include;

  • The dance is associated with sharper minds, free inhibitions, and tighter abs. This exercise changes the body more than body sculpting. It allows one to build up coordination that is an important feature for developing great balance. You will need balance when you exercise as well as do other activities of daily living. When you build the core, you are developing stability and balance, and the Zumba class can provide just that.
  • It is a great mental exercise to help revitalize the body and mind for great spirit. It will improve your mental state by draining away the stressful feelings.
  • Like any cardiovascular exercise, Zumba may help in burning calories, increasing aerobic threshold, building more stamina, increasing bone density, and improving balance. It also helps in toning the muscles as well as reducing body fat while lowering your blood pressure. These are very important things in your health.

You can start toning your muscles, creating balance, and building stamina with this exercise. Talk to your group personal trainer and see which Zumba moves can best benefit you. It will even be more fun to do it in a controlled group of exercisers and personalized coaching.


Windmills For The Dreadful Core Strength

Windmill is a farfetched movement that produces lateral core strength and enhances stability. This exercise will strengthen the entire lateral chain, improve the hamstrings flexibility, and promote healthy stable shoulders. If you examine this move properly, you discover that it is essentially a weight version of what is known as yoga triangle pose, and that is why it helps in improving the hip mobility. It is just like yoga with weight. When undertaking a Coquitlam group personal training, you would want to incorporate this movement in your workout.

It is a classic workout that is familiar to most of the exercisers. In doing the windmills, you stand straight and spread the legs to reach farther than shoulder width. You also extend the arm away from sides to make sure they remain parallel to floor. As you rotate the torso, you keep the legs, arms, and back straight, then try touching the right hand to the left foot.

Now rise and repeat the movement in opposite side. There are fairly different ways in which you can do the windmills but they pretty produce the same mobility, strength, and stabilization. It will offer an insane torso strength as it nails your midsection including the back, front, and the lateral side. It builds not only the strength but also increases flexibility of midsection, the deep core muscles, abdominals, obliques, and lower back. Over the entire time you are doing the exercise, the bell remains locked out overhead, and this strengthens the shoulders.

You can vary the exercise and use a kettlebell or dumbbell to make it more intense. Start with your bell locked out overhead and have the feet placed shoulder width apart. Both feet should be pointing the same direction. Ensure that the feet does not point forward but away from the hip, which you are kicking out.

Make sure you do the moves properly to prevent injury and remain in form. If you do not remain in form no matter how long you hold to the position, you may not get nice results. Let a group personal trainer assist you where you face hurdles.


How Can Tempo Runs Help The Body

Tempo runs are also referred to as threshold runs, and they are some of the most simple and straightforward speed workouts you can do. Unlike other speed works like the track based workouts, with the tempo runs, there are no repetitions to remember or keep track of. What you need to is have a sustained period of fast run. In your Coquitlam group personal training, you may time in time have to do the tempo runs as part of your workout or as a recovery form of exercise to help the body heal from the previous workouts.

A tempo run offers a run done at a comfortably hard pace and its aim is to allow the body to be able to endure comfortable runs at higher speeds when compared to the longer steady runs you make. It is also used as a way to help in active recovery after you have been in a workout duration.

When you want to recover from a workout, you should make sure that the body gets to the muscles to speed up the healing process of the microtears, tightness, and knots. This is where tempo runs come in handy. While they are similar to an interval training, the runs can be used for recovery as well.

In a recovery tempo run, one would be required to do a run of about 60 percent of the maximum speed for 100 meters and walk for another 50 meters before repeating the run. This can be done on a treadmill, bike, or elliptical. It may also be done on roads.

Although the heart rate and breathing will increase, ensure you do not feel like pushed to the maximum because this isn’t a real workout but rather a recovery exercise. A tempo run may also be added to your regular workout program in order to improve your running efficiency by increasing speeds.

Depending on the purpose for incorporating tempo runs on your workout, you should make sure they are done properly. When done properly, tempo runs can help you in your exercises by making sure to get back to form pretty quickly.

The Secret Behind Foam Rolling Recovery Exercises

Foam rolling, also known as self myofascial release, is not only a technique for coaches, professional athletes, or therapists, but a practice for every other person in a fitness routine. If you are to get results from your workouts, you need time for the body and muscles to recover from the microtears or the tightness and trigger points. So, if you think that foam roller isn’t for you, then you are mistaken. Join a Coquitlam group personal training to get insights on how to obtain good results from workouts.

On that day you are off workouts, try to use a foam roller to roll out your muscles on the roller in a back and forth movement while using the body weight as the load. Ensure you roll out the kinks in quads, glutes, calves, hips, back, chest, and other muscles that feel tight. Where you feel like there is a knot, try to stay on it as you roll. Hang out there with the rocking back and forth movements until you feel that the knot is worked out.

The poor man’s massage- foam rolling

It is one effective tool that you can use for physique building, recovering from a workout period, and preventing injuries. Because of the drastic and immediate effect you get from use of these tools, they are gaining popularity in fitness exercises.

Often called the poor man’s massage, the foam rolling is a hands on technique, which applied a long duration of low load dragging force across a layer of soft tissues in body. Through the technique, the body is able to release from trigger points and tensions.


Benefits of foam rolling

In every gym enthusiast, foam rolling provides many benefits. It is used as an exercise for recovering the body and preventing muscle tightness. It also increases the flow of blood in muscles while also enhancing the range of motion. It will reduce the recovery time you get from a workout and decrease the chances of getting an injury. Your next training session can come quicker than before when you use these active recovery practices.